
リーブセンター 1987 改修プロジェクトで輝く Techvision の家具

Techvision Furniture は、上海の Libo 1987 改修プロジェクトの状況を一変させ、オーダーメイド家具の製作におけるその卓越性を明らかにしました。イースト タワーの洗練されたロビーから高級オフィス モデル ルームやパブリック スペースに至るまで、現代的なワークスペース デザインとレジャー要素の融合を目撃し、上海の中心部でユニークなロハス ビジネス エクスペリエンスを生み出しています。

Techvision Furniture の都江堰支店におけるヘルスケア エレガンス

Techvision Furniture の専門知識が光る四川省人民病院都江堰分院で、優れたヘルスケアの新時代に足を踏み入れてください。絵のような風景から患者中心のデザインまで、自然、コミュニティ、効率性のシームレスな統合を発見し、医療インフラストラクチャのパラダイム シフトを示します。

Techvision Furniture が三亜版を強化: Jinghope の美的輝き · ライフ美学コミュニティ

Techvision FurnitureがVarious Associatesと協力して、The Sanya EDITIONでJinghope・Life Aestheticsコミュニティを構築するにつれて、豪華で芸術的な輝きの領域に足を踏み入れてください。このブログでは、自然、アート、アーバン リゾート ライフスタイルの調和のとれたブレンドを生み出す、魅惑的な螺旋状の上昇、透明な商業スペース、臨場感あふれるアートワーク、および外装からのインテリア小売業の拡張を明らかにします。

Techvision Furniture Elevates Meigang Hi-Tech Biotechnology R&D Center: Crafting a Futuristic Workspace Under the “Light Roof”

Step into the future with Techvision Furniture’s stellar contribution to the Meigang Hi-Tech Biotechnology R&D Center. Our collaboration led to the creation of a workspace that marries simplicity, sophistication, and nature-inspired aesthetics under the innovative ‘Light Roof’ concept. From the restrained elegance of the interiors to the harmonious blend of outdoor comfort and functional workspace dynamics, every element, including reception sets, workstations, and chairs, has been meticulously curated to redefine the essence of a modern and futuristic office environment.

患者中心の治癒の向上: 嘉興開宜病院における Techvision Furniture の影響

Discover the transformative impact of Techvision Furniture at Jiaxing Kaiyi Hospital, a cutting-edge healthcare facility developed in collaboration with Columbia China. This article delves into the patient-centric design, sustainable practices, and flexible spaces that set a new benchmark for healthcare infrastructure. From biophilic elements to traditional Chinese influences, the hospital’s design reflects a commitment to both patient well-being and community connections. Explore how this collaboration creates an environment that prioritizes comfort, adaptability, and a sense of wellness for patients, visitors, and healthcare professionals alike.

Techvision の家具が成都の星空を照らす: VR ワンダーランド

Techvision Furniture proudly contributes to the awe-inspiring Starry Sky Miracle Project in Chengdu’s High-tech Zone. Immerse yourself in a VR wonderland where celestial inspiration meets cutting-edge office design. From a reception area reminiscent of the Milky Way to dynamic workspaces fostering collaboration, our Reception Sofas, Rest Area Sofas, Mesh Chairs, and Solid Surface Reception Counters seamlessly blend elegance with functionality. Witness the transformation of an office into a celestial haven, reflecting the spirit of innovation and creativity in Chengdu’s thriving tech landscape.

Techvision Furniture の先見性のあるタッチ: EOI オフィス上海 – 快適さとテクノロジーの融合

Techvision Furniture collaborates with EOI, a trailblazing technology company, to reimagine the office landscape in Shanghai. The blog delves into the fusion of comfort and cutting-edge technology, showcasing the meticulous integration of Rest Sofas, Reception Furniture Sets, Mesh Office Chairs, and Executive Office essentials. From green innovations to flexible meeting spaces, EOI Offices Shanghai is a testament to a future-forward workspace, where nature, technology, and comfort converge.

Techvision Furniture の Chromatic Symphony: Rayli Magazine オフィスでの北京のカラー ルービック キューブ

Techvision Furniture proudly contributes to the visual feast that is Rayli Magazine’s Beijing office, a stunning creation by the Image Space Design Team. Our Reception Sofas, Acrylic Reception Chairs, Mesh Chairs, Partitions, and Workstations seamlessly integrate into the vibrant design philosophy. Colored glass partitions, interactive flooring, and reflective walls breathe life into the workspace, creating a dynamic atmosphere that evolves with the changing play of natural light. This transformative project is a testament to Techvision’s commitment to crafting workspaces that are not only functional but also visually spectacular.







